Seeing is no longer believing

The number of deepfakes on the internet doubles every six months. If we do not act, we will no longer be able to trust anything we see. At Waldo, we are building an automated authentication pipeline to maintain trust on the internet.

Our Solution

The onslaught of doctored content has already overwhelmed traditional fact-checking, and the gap is only growing. Waldo automates the entire verification pipeline. We counter this growing problem with three big tools.

Verified Datastreams from Primary Sources

Waldo sources verified media from our partners, which include political campaigns, news sites, social media platforms, and deepfake companies.

  • Multiple file formats, including images, videos, and audio, are supported.
  • Political statements and events are captured at the source, so you can be sure you are getting the most accurate information.
  • Partnering with us to provide data is made easy through a user-friendly API.
  • Streams contain both verified real and fake media to tackle the problem at both ends.

Simple API

Our API service allows you to flag fake media according to your business requirements.

  • The streams are secure and reliable because of cryptographic signatures. Anyone can locally confirm the authenticity of the endorsement through an open-source algorithm.
  • Businesses can automatically inform their users of the authenticity of media they are consuming.
  • Journalists can easily ensure that the media they are using is authentic.

Browsable Research Tool

Waldo allows you to easily search against authenticated media for your fact-checking needs.

  • Journalists can search for specific quotations and moments within clips.
  • Campaign managers can see what soundbites are viewed and shared around the internet.
  • PR managers can see what sorts of fake statements and media are circulating.

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